Best Way To Increase Internal Space On Any Android Device - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Sunday, 1 November 2015

Best Way To Increase Internal Space On Any Android Device

How to fix low memory issues on your android phone? Do you see this annoying pop up on your phone telling you you have got low memory on your android device? where are all the memory gone, knowing fully well that you still have enough space when you check the memory usage using in built app or external apps. Well this is a quick solution to fix low memory on Android phone. You wouldn't have to worry about this warning when trying to utilize your phone space again.

Ensure You have the following in place
<> A rooted android phone
<> Make sure you have ES Explorer if you don't have it download it Here

How To Increase Android Internal Space
<> Open ES Explorer navigate to Root Folder >>then click on Data

<> Then go to log_other_mode

<> Make sure you delete all the file there as seen i below image.

<> Reboot your android device, you see a noticeable boost of memory

NOTE: This doesn't affect your phone in anyway, it will only free up your phone memory been occupied by invisible junks you don't need.

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  1. I found my 'data' directory was empty.
    How could you do that??

    1. You didn't follow the procedure correctly, you are suppose to delete file under " log_other_mode" in data and not the other way round. Sorry for that, please kindly follow our steps carefully.


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